5 Common Mistakes Hurting Your UA Efforts

Want to step up your mobile marketing game with small tweaks? Over the years, we have noticed a number of small, recurring patterns across different marketing teams that hold them back.

In a perfect world, you won't make any mistakes. But we are not living in a perfect world. You will make mistakes. Just be aware that your game's growth is at stake here.

...and the obvious one - you might be leaving money on the table.

By Milan Strba—June 12, 2024

Here are my top 5 small UA mistakes:

Clinging on Market Benchmarks

Relying too heavily on market benchmarks can stunt your growth. Remember, what worked for one game might not work for yours. Set your own benchmarks for each game you work on. If you want to be a real pro - set up benchmarks for each platform, country, ad channel and even season.

Ignoring K-Factor 

Underestimating the power of the K-Factor (how users attract new users) can cost you big time. Do not be conservative. Think of the category rank jump and organic uplift your campaigns brought. Talk to the data team if you need help analyzing it.

Underestimating Ad Copies

Failing to continuously test and tweak your ad copies means you're missing out on what truly resonates with your audience. It is part of a creative and it’s super cost efficient. You can significantly lower your CPIs just by having a unique ad copy! Keep experimenting!

Underutilizing Re-Engagement

Each game update is a golden opportunity! If you're not using updates and seasons to re-engage players and reignite interest, you're leaving money on the table. Do not overuse it though. In order to maximize profitability, run small budget re-engagement every 3 months.


Going solo can limit your perspective. Engaging with the team members and experts from other teams can provide fresh insights and innovative ideas. Set up weekly syncs with other teams - ask them about upcoming updates, challenges they face and inform them about anything relevant - i.e. creatives, geo performance, budgets! Collaboration is key!

Small tweaks, big results. All above are based on 100s of ad accounts and tens of marketing teams I have consulted and worked with over the years. 

…and yup, I have made these mistakes myself. 

Let’s keep leveling up together! 🎮💡