Case Study: Combating Creative Fatigue with Ad Copy testing

Creative fatigue remains the spooky enemy of every UA marketer. Its first sign is continuous decrease of early KPIs’ performance such as CTR (click-through-rate) and CPI (cost per install). Performance drop in these KPIs results in decreased overall marketing effectiveness, eventually leading to marketing budget cuts.

By Milan Strba—April 02, 2024

The best weapon for mobile marketer in this never-ending battle against creative fatigue is continuous testing of new creative approaches.

Every creative element has a direct impact on the marketing performance - video length, CTA, format, colors, etc… Ad copies, despite sometimes forgotten are among the core creative elements driving performance. Ad copy is simple to test, analyze and iterate.

We have done multiple ad copy tests to prove the efficiency of AdSpawn creative ad copy solution. 

The latest and the most robust test presented below was done in Q1 2024 for a top grossing hybrid casual game.

In order to have results as significant as possible, we have conducted a test with 3 AdSpawn generated ad copies against the 2 historically top performing ad copies which already had over $300,000 profitable spend on Meta in 2 top performing campaigns.

The results in favor of AdSpawn ad copies were significant from day 1. However, we wanted to gather more data for statistical significance. After 7 days and over $15,000 spent the results were following:

  • Meta has allocated over 60% of spend to the AdSpawn generated ad copies
  • CPIs were lower by 38% for AdSpawn copies

iOS US evergreen campaign

iOS campaign 2

Spend preference & lowered CPI is the best combination for new ad copy / creative in combating creative fatigue.

We have conducted pretty aggressive creative test by putting new ad copies into evergreen campaigns. If your budget allows it, you should follow the best practices to first test your new creatives and ad copies in separate creative testing campaigns.

When your ad copy winner is concluded in creative testing campaign and in evergreen campaign, you should always replace it for the lowest performing ad copies. 

It is a never-ending cycle of testing, analyzing and iterating. This is how you win against creative fatigue.

Don’t forget: no testing = no scaling.

If you want to create unique set of ad copies for testing - try our AdSpawn for FREE

Technical setup of the test:

  • UA channel: Meta
  • 2 evergreen campaigns - 1x Android, 1x iOS
  • Total Spend: $15,000
  • Duration: 7 days
  • Optimization: Purchase (Android) & Value (iOS)
  • Geo: US + T1 countries
  • Creatives: mix of top performing videos & statics

Android campaign - T1 campaign

iOS test campaign 1