From Ad Copies to UA Videos

This is a story of UA asset creation and how current AI technology can get you creative asset bundle.


1. Motivation to test
2. Registering on AdSpawn

By Milan Strba—September 09, 2024

What started as an ad copy generation tool is now a powerful UA creative sidekick.

Ad Copies

In August 2024, our friend Ondrej from Red Riding Hood Games shared first testing results with us - Ad Copies generated through AdSpawn decreased CPIs in his Google Ads campaigns by 40%! 

We felt amazing. This was (another) important confirmation that what we are building makes sense. 

Our goal did not change. AdSpawn will provide full creative bundles for any mobile game - fast. we continued researching and developing.


Exploring new image AI models enabled us to build cool systems which finally generated consistent icons images in specified art styles. Icon outputs looked cool enough that we ourselves would love to test them (if we owned any mobile game lol).

So we shared our very first icon generated for Athletics Championship (image below) with Ondrej to A/B test it against their current app icon.

3 days later, he messaged us with the following screenshot.

We got hit by another rush of excitement. "WE CAN GENERATE ICONS NOW!!!" 
Implementing complex AI systems on website takes a bit of time. We are working hard to make it a reality asap.


10 minutes after our icon generation excitement, Martin had a new idea - let's transform this performing icon into UA asset. And so we started experimenting with "outpainting" and other methods to expand image into different dimensions while maintain quality and image consistency.

Few days later, we got these images.

All they needed was logo & CTA.

We do not have results from Ondrej yet. The important thing is, AdSpawn is now capable of resizing UA assets. Pretty cool.


Then a day later, Roman had an idea "Let's make video out of this. I think I we can do this." He showed us couple of tools and videos with them. They all looked crazy good. It took literally one day of hardcore brainstorming, researching and testing to generate this video.

Hard not to be impressed, considering it all started from ad copies.

AI tech is becoming extremely powerful. There are however too many tools for too many purposes.

We work hard to bring them all into one place with ultimate goal - increase marketing profitability of mobile games using AdSpawn.

You can get such assets for your mobile game. All that is needed is registration and request.