The Power of Brand Marketing in Mobile Games

Imagine launching a new mobile game. You’ve perfected the gameplay, graphics, and user experience. Yet, despite your best efforts, it seems to sink in the sea of countless apps available today. The missing link? Brand marketing.

By Milan Strba—July 01, 2024

Why Brand Marketing Matters

First, let’s address the elephant in the room: why should you care about brand marketing? Brand marketing does more than just create recognition; it builds an emotional connection with your audience. This connection translates into trust, loyalty, and ultimately, profitability. Think of brand marketing as the engine driving long-term engagement and success.

The Long-Term Payoff

One of the most compelling arguments for investing in brand marketing is its impact on long-term profitability. Building a strong brand means that over time, you spend less on acquiring new users because your existing users become brand advocates. According to a study by the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute, strong brands are more likely to attract repeat customers and benefit from word-of-mouth recommendations.

Below is a good visual representation of direct effect of sales activations on sales uplift. Illustration is from the study on Marketing Effectiveness, Les Binet and Peter Field. It shows that each short-term sales push leads to the initial baseline. On the other hand, brand building does not have such short term effect but over the time, it consistently raises the baseline.

Integrating Brand Building with Your Game’s Selling Points

Now, how do you weave brand building into your mobile game’s marketing strategy? The secret lies in aligning your brand identity with your game’s unique selling points. Whether it’s an innovative gameplay mechanic, stunning graphics, or a compelling storyline, your brand should reflect and amplify these elements.

Here are some factors to consider:

Consistent Messaging: Ensure that your branding – from logos to in-game content and social media posts – consistently communicates your game’s core strengths.

Storytelling: Craft a narrative around your game that resonates with your audience. Storytelling isn’t just for the gameplay; it’s a powerful tool in brand marketing.

Engagement: Foster a community around your game. Engage with your players through social media, forums, and in-game events. The more invested they are in your brand, the more likely they are to stick around and bring in new players. 

👉 If you want to know more about creative production that includes brand and player profiles - check out this article.

Lessons from the Best: Top Mobile Games with Strong Brands

Let’s take a look at some of the mobile games that have nailed brand marketing:

Clash of Clans: Supercell’s flagship game didn’t become a household name overnight. Through consistent branding, engaging advertisements, and community involvement, Clash of Clans has maintained a loyal player base for years.

Pokémon GO: Niantic leveraged the already strong Pokémon brand to create a mobile game that has been downloaded over a billion times. The game’s success is a testament to the power of brand recognition and nostalgic value.

Candy Crush Saga: King’s match-three puzzle game has become synonymous with mobile gaming. Its bright, inviting design and engaging social features are key components of its brand identity.

The Consequences of Neglecting Brand Marketing

So, what happens if you ignore brand marketing? Simply put, your game risks fading into obscurity. Without a strong brand, it’s challenging to differentiate your game from the competition. You may experience higher user acquisition costs, lower retention rates, and ultimately, a diminished return on investment.

Final Words

Brand marketing in mobile games isn’t just about flashy logos or catchy slogans; it’s about creating a lasting connection with your audience. By investing in brand building, you not only increase your game’s visibility but also its profitability in the long run. Remember, the most successful mobile games are those that players love and remember. So, let’s make your game one of them!

Ready to level up your brand marketing strategy? Let’s get started. Your game deserves to shine, and with the right approach, it will.